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Subjectively ranking important sites and articles.

This site is part of a three site subjective ranking process. If we find excellent resources, a page or site can immediately get a link, that is a subjective vote on this site. But ordinarily you have to rank on

  1. OrangeRank
  2. PurpleRank
in that order before you rank here. If we, for subjective reasons, find that a site decreases in quality, the link may be deleted or moved to one of the above mentioned sites. We prefer stable semantic links. Some examples of sites that decrease in quality:

  • Broken links increases. We have bots / software that can check links on a site.
  • Semantically changed content. The content is no longer related to the original domain
  • Confusing advertising and redirections. Annoying pop ups.

For similar reasons, a site with updated, well organized quality content increases in quality. Ceteris paribus, a good logo / brand / favicon / design do not decrease the quality of a site. Note that this site will not contain more links than can be easily checked manually. We only use bots that check for broken links, changed content etc. Our bots have the name, RedCarpetRank, PurpleRank or OrangeRank and will come from the Ip of the respective sites. You may have problems ranking on these sites if you block our bots since we can not (quality) control your content.

It is a very old video, but see no reason to add a newer. You find a lot of recent videos at my YouTube channel. Additional contact information.

The home page

We will categorize sites and articles. On the home page there will be 12 categories that may change as time passes with maximum 10 links in each category. The links below are old, so if the link is not broken, it doesent redirect or have changed content, that should be an authoritative signal.

Weaving the web

  1. Tim Berners-Lee
  2. W3C Web standards are set here
  3. Creating a Science of the Web
  4. History of the Web
  5. Project XANADU
  6. History of the internet
  7. W3C Mobile Web Initiative
  8. The Web Standards Project
  9. Internet Archive
  10. Living Internet

Proprietary Software

  1. Oracle
  2. Embarcadero: RAD studio XE
  3. Wolfram Research
  4. Adobe

Free Software

  2. PostGreSQL
  3. MySQL
  4. OpenOffice
  5. cURL
  6. Ulysses Framework
  7. jQuery: Javascript Library
  8. Ruby on Rails
  9. python
  10. WebKit Open Source Project


  1. The Opera webbrowser
  2. The Vivaldi webbrowser
  3. Kaspersky Lab: Antivirus Software
  4. Kaspersky Lab: Security News Service
  5. Symantec
  6. SecurityFocus
  7. All-Internet-Security
  8. Center for Internet Security (CIS)
  9. RoboForm

For the surfer

  1. Google Guide
  2. DuckDuckGo
  3. Yahoo
  4. Bing
  5. Skype
  6. Yahoo Messenger
  7. Windows Live Messenger
  8. VideoLAN - VLC media player
  9. Windows media player

For webmasters

  1. ACCU
  2. W3C
  3. Join the Vivaldi community
  4. W3Schools
  5. IrFanview
  6. Domain tools
  7. WebPagetest
  8. Google: Webmaster Help Center
  9. Cyberwatcher: Watching the world for you
  10. DevShed
  11. cURL


  1. Embarcadero
  2. WebProWorld
  3. Sitepoint
  4. DevX
  5. W3Schools Forum
  6. AVForums
  8. Daniweb forums
  9. Devshed forums
  10. WebMasterWorld


  1. Sun: Numerical Computation Guide
  2. Association for Computing Machinery
  3. Donald E. Knuth
  4. Numerical Algorithms Group
  5. Numerical Recipes
  6. Floating-Point Arithmetic

Social media and networking

  1. Technorati
  2. FaceBook
  3. LinkedIn
  4. YouTube
  5. Twitter
  6. Digg
  7. Flickr
  8. StumbleUpon
  9. Delicious

Online marketing

  1. BuySellAds
  2. SEOmoz
  3. BruceClay
  4. MarketLeap
  5. SEO Book


  1. World Food Program
  2. International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
  3. International Committee of the Red Cross
  4. Save The Children
  5. 1billionhungry
  6. MakePowertyHistory
  7. The Earth Charter Initiative
  8. Poverty


  1. Universities Worldwide
  2. World University WebRankings
  3. The Open University
  4. Open University of Tanzania
  5. The Global Open University
  6. National Open University of Nigeria

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